This picture doesn't do much for it, but when I got it home, it's this amazing jade colored vintage looking juicer with stainless steel parts. I've been burning through the bags of lemons ever since! I thought I would share my recipe...
Sugar Syrup for lemonade...
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
Bring to boil and stir until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool
juice 6-8 sm. to med. sized lemons... and I also like to throw in a lime or two just for the extra flavor...enough to get roughly 1 to 1 1/2 cups of juice.
In 2 qt. container, combine lemon juice, sugar syrup, 2 cups of ice, and enough water to fill the rest of the pitcher... stir well.
So there you have it! The girls want to do a lemonade stand at our subdivision pool house this summer to raise money to donate to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. This is the lemonade we'll have and hopefully it's just yummy enough to bring out the check books! I figure we'll just give it away and ask for donations.
Happy Squeezing!
Try adding mind to the mix....My husband makes a killer lemonade with mind in it. Very refreshing!
OK, I must be a lemonade virgin... what's mind?
i meant MINT! I need to check my spelling:)
I can't believe I typed it wrong TWICE! Well, there you have it! MINT is the secret ingredient!
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