Wednesday, May 28, 2008

ADD Much?

OK, I KNEW I'd be in trouble this morning when looking at Kim's blog... I was supposed to be doing laundry for my trip to the quarter tomorrow when BAM!...

Meet my newest fancy...

Kristen over at Grace Violet has a brilliant tutorial on how to make these fantastic hair clips using scrapbooking brads and the giant no slip bobby pins. GENIUS! The girls will have about 4 dozen of these little beauties in all different colors and materials waiting for them when they come back from Gran's house... I LOVE the sparkle ones that I found! They look perfect for Jillian's little bob and are super girly... yep, even girly enough for Abby! (Which isn't always easy to achieve;-) ) I may just have to borrow a couple of the really cool ones for myself!

My next project is already lined up... but I can't blog about it... it's for Christmas gifts for a couple of my, eh, "dedicated" readers. :-) I'll just tell Kristen thanks again for all of the lovely inspiration, and leave it at that!

but you know me... I have a hard time keeping secrets! (I KNOW I'll have to show one to my sister early.... I ALWAYS do!)

Thanks Kristen!


Kristin said...

Wow! Those look great! Where did you get those brads?

Tonya said...

Wow, what a great idea, gonna have to get the supplies to make my own. Lots of little girl hair around here : )

jg said...

OHHHH...i must have a couple for me, myself, &'t wait to see the secret. I won't tell if you won't tell:)jg

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

What a terrific idea - this would be a great project for my 11 year old duaghter to make.