Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tis the Season

Hey yall! I'm happy to announce that the cool weather is starting to hit the south, and the decorations are coming out of hibernation! I love this time of year. Besides Christmas, it's also going to be our 11th anniversary this year. The cool weather makes me want to light a fire and curl up with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book. Or a good movie. Last night I watched The Holiday with the beautiful Kate Winslet... I love her. Jude Law is ADORABLE in this movie as well... and no, this isn't Jude Law. It's Jack Black, duh. He's funny too.

the holiday Pictures, Images and Photos

Yep... it's time for the Holidays!

While the girls were out playing in the fall weather with the neighbor kids, I started dragging out some decorations... I just couldn't help myself...


Here's a close-up of the twig topiaries...They Sparkle! I'm using lots of different greens and white this year.


After being camera-less for over two months, I've nearly forgotten how to use the darn thing... this picture proves that. But besides stating the obvious, yesterday I found these great red weathered fleur-de-lis pots and rosemary topiaries at Smith and Hawken. I also picked up a bag of their Festivity potpouri and a reed diffuser... it smells soooo good!

I've found some great furniture this week, so the before pictures are patiently waiting at Photobucket for their reveals... A few pieces were custom, so they'll have to wait for their moment in the spotlight. I've also gotten curtains picked out. They will be done after the holidays, so I'll have a fun reason to pack up all of the decorations. Next up... paint colors! Then I will have some particularly fun posts!

For any readers in the Houston area... Laurie's Antiques in Tomball is FABULOUS and worth the trip! and Metals Petals and More in Old Town Spring has some really great stuff right now... just doin' my part to stimulate the economy!

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