I have the longest most depressing story to tell, but I just can't bring myself to write much about it. I'll just try to not ramble on too much and focus on the fun things I've been up to, and then get back to the Good Ole Bloggin Days!
So here's the scoop...
We evacuated. Gustav hit. Mom's house flooded. We went home. We moved. Ike hit. We visited Austin and San Antonio. We came back to our temp. apt. with no power. We FINALLY closed on our un-damaged home. AT&T screwed up my DSL AND my Blackberry so I was out of the loop for FAR FAR too long. I'm 3 weeks in and still swimming in boxes. I miss home terribly. I gave him a year.
So that's my story for the past month or so. I hope you don't mind really... I just haven't felt myself lately.
So what do big girls do when they are feeling blue? Come on now... besides DRINK EXCESSIVELY... that was a given, right? No No... I mean what ELSE do we do... You got it!!!
So here's where we stand...
I've nearly gotten the Game room done... it was a priority to get the girls out of my hair so that I could actually attempt to get the rest of the house livable. I'm not finished, but as soon as I find my camera battery charger in the sea of never ending boxes, then i'll take some pics.
I've gotten 1/2 of my sewing room unpacked... fabric refolded and neatly shoved (eh, stored)... and I've recently become the proud new momma to this little baby.... just wait for it... here comes the retail therapy...

Awe..... there there now.... Don't you feel better? I know I sure do... ;-) I'm hoping to get more done in the room today so that I can set her up and pet her !!!!
Yall have a lovely Fall day and do something creative!
You so deserved that new machine after the month you've had! Can't wait to see pics of your new place - especially the sewing room!
You have been missed! From a gal who moves every couple years, and never by my family...throw yourself into it. Becuase that old saying "if mama aint happy then nobody's happy" is completely true! Tour the town, show us the sights..Expecially your sewing room!! And just think Mad Men is on tonight, which you got me hooked on! Thanks, cause I now love, love, love sunday evenings! Hang in there...it will get better!
I DO LOVE HER!!(give me the deets on her! What brand, what features?) I love the big flat area to sew on! That's why I won't get a new machine..I like the flat area that I have on my old one! I'm so jealous, but SO SORRY to hear about the last month for you! Just remember, once you get to the darkest point... the light is next.
oh holly! i love seeing you back in the blogging world. I have truly missed you and your sweet/funny comments and posts.
I am almost done with the last of three drawings. Keep your eyes open for them this coming week.
You've got quite the adventurous life! How do you manage it all?
just sent you an email with pictures of the three drawings. Let me know what you think. In the meantime i am setting up a reserved listing on Etsy for you to purchase them.
Its me again...
Take a look at my blog...i have a little surprise for you:)
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