But to me... well, don't you just think that this looks like the BEST secret room?!?!?!?
There's this short little space hidden under the stairs and behind the foyer door that's just the right size...
I'm thinking girly floor cushions, a sparkly chandelier, shelves of books, and maybe some pink pearl glazed walls!!! All hidden behind some super deceiving curtains!
... and one of these to lead the way....

It's a fairy door!!!!! Isn't it just the cutest little thing?!?!?!?
I can just see the girls whispering and giggling and sneaking behind the curtains...
And while I'm nearly ready to be back up and blogging, I'm also going to figure out the whole tag thing so that my posts will be a bit more organized. :-) Because I want you to tell everyone about my exploits in new home decorating!!!